Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"They knew who I was." – Rep. Boswell

Hopefully that will be how we remember Rep. Boswell, as a name, as a footnote. As for how he represented the 3rd District it was very unremarkable. He has had no reason to be remarkable, the independent vote has asked nothing of him and just falls in line and re-elects him every 2 years. When asked what his 16 years as a congressman has produced his claim was a veteran’s bill to help with suicide issues after serving, don’t get me wrong they need all the help we can give veterans. He also mentioned live stock legislation attached to a farm bill, but after 16 years that is an awful long time to only be able to mention 2 pieces of law when he personally has collected 1.6 to 2 million in salary as a congressman. If he is defeated next week what type of pension will he receive? The only one who has benefited from our relationship with Leonard Boswell is Leonard Boswell.

It is time for a change. Brad Zaun has his own issues like all of us do, and as a people we have struggled with financial and personal issues, he too has been there. As a Councilman, Mayor and State Senator Brad Zaun has always been an honest broker and a man who has been available and in touch with his community.

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