Thursday, August 20, 2015

Amending the 14th Amendment

The 14th amendment to the constitution can also be amended.  That shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, but people seem think it is set in stone unlike gay marriage and universal healthcare which one thought to be unchangeable.

All we need to do is add an amendment that states 10 months after a certain date, new rules for being a natural U.S. citizen and those rules will be, A) Born anywhere if both biological parents are U.S. citizens, or B) at least one biological parent is a U.S. citizen and they are born on U.S. territory.

There can be exceptions for government employees or military personal stationed outside the U.S.  Also the 10 month window will allow time for anyone gestating in their mother to still be covered by the current rules.

So literally no one alive would be affected by this change in the law.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Parent's just don't understand.

I prepare taxes for a living.  I prepare a lot of tax returns (over 850 per year) and I’m not sure if it is because I have 2 teenagers or if the overwhelming anecdotal evidence is smacking me in the face but there is a serious epidemic of laziness going on out there among teenagers and young adults.

I have to blame myself for some of this in my case, I had kids at an older age and not when I was 20.  So the kids didn't see when I had to eat soup so that I could make rent, or when me and my wife had to be on a real budget to make sure we didn't have too much month at the end of the money.

We live a mild manor middle class life style were we want for little and spend little trying to save for the future when we can retire and travel.  So if something came up unexpected we didn't have to stress about covering the costs like I remember my parents having to do on a few occasions.  I believe that because my kids have not witness this, they don’t have the same respect for working hard and saving your money.

Don’t get me wrong, my dad and mom had to get on me to mow the lawn and clean my room too. Household chores were not something I did without being told.  However, I always did a little extra work for extra cash.  I am old enough to have been a paperboy (part-time back up to a friend’s route) but at 12 years old, he and I got up during a blizzard and did his route which was an adventure and a pain.  At 14 I did some part time work for my aunt’s business on Saturdays and at 16 I got a job at McDonald’s and within 18 months was a shift manager.

I can’t get my 18 soon to be 19 year old to do much more then fill out a few applications. She has had jobs at a couple of daycare business but she just doesn't have a desire to make any more money then what I give her for doing chores, which might be were I've gone wrong but I am not alone.

Many parents I talk to in my practice have the same issues.  Oh there are kids that are working but I almost see them as outliers and I am almost amazed when someone’s 18 year old made $14,000 because they worked when they got out of high school.
The flip side to this as an employer is that I do not want to hire teenagers either.  They text too much, don’t want to follow instructions and act like they are doing you a favor.  If I have to pay at least $7.25 per hour (Min wage) and for my jobs about $5.00 per hour more then I want someone trained / trainable and will show up.  An adult.

There is going to be a day when they will need to leave the house and I’m afraid they are not prepared for it, but I and my wife must have the courage to kick our babies out of the nest and they will either fly or crash to the ground.

UPDATE: 8/20/2015
This summer both my kids had jobs! My oldest daughter got her 2 year degree and transferred to a 4 year university.  So even though they still are behind some of those kids I do taxes for, they are moving in the right direction. So nevermind! : )

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Confessions of a Caucus voter.

I have been struggling with my decision for several months. I do not take this lightly. However, I have come to a decision.

First a little background on my voting history. I have been attending Iowa caucuses since 1984. I am a conservative Republican and because Pres. Reagan was running for re-election in 1984, I went to the Democrat Caucus, not to disrupt, but to simply observe the process. I believe I caucused for Alan Cranston, but I cannot be sure. It was educating to witness the negotiations that went on to get the undecided to move to another camp, because you had to have a certain percentage (15%) to receive a representative at the county caucus.

The Republican caucus is much different. It is a secret ballot that is blank and any name can be written on it. A certain number of delegates go to the county convention, but it is the state convention that actually determines the delegates for each candidate and that does not take place until June!

I have caucused for the following, 1988 (Jack Kemp), 1996 (Steve Forbes), 2000 (George Bush) and 2008 (Fred Thompson). As you can see I almost never pick the winner, but I try to be consistent.

This year has been very difficult. Out of the gate, Romney has had the money and ground crew to fight a long battle and has scored in the mid-twenties since last year. He is presidential looking and I believe he has the countries best interest at heart. However, he has shown the ability to just say whatever it takes to win. Running for Senator and Governor in Massachusetts would be very difficult for any Republican, but don’t turn around and tell me 4 years later that you are a conservative after supporting abortion and forcing mandatory health insurance.

Mr. Gingrich can spin a phrase or throw out 10 new ideas without blinking an eye. However, he too has been very inconsistent when it comes to health insurance, assigning blame for the housing bubble or sitting on a couch for a commercial with Nancy Pelosi spouting an Al Gore environmental agenda.

Ron Paul. What can I say? He is consistent, he has the right ideas for the nation’s budget issues. However, the rest of everything he says is a train wreck. You can understand Iran’s desire for a nuclear weapon? Well sure, I guess you get a cool jacket. But Mr. Paul, that doesn’t mean we have to accept them, getting one. I might understand a teenagers desire to drink and drive, but I don’t have to allow it. Don’t get me started on the Federal Reserve. If he eliminates it that would leave the government (yes those idiots in Washington) in charge of the money supply and they would print cash at even a faster rate. They have problems but that is not the solution.

So, those guys are going to get their ticket punched and move on to New Hampshire and South Carolina. So what I want to do is give another person a ticket on that same trip. To me the only candidate that has been consistent, and hasn’t put their own foot in their mouth (Perry & Bachmann) is Rick Santorum. He took up residency (almost) here in Iowa, unlike Huntsman. He has been pro-life, fiscally conservative and seems to understand what is needed for our foreign policy. I will be caucusing for Rick Santorum, not as some anti (fill in the blank) but as a supporter of a fellow conservative.

Chris Mendelsohn - Urbandale, IA

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tax Season over, any news?

Osama Bin Laden is dead. Well Done Mr. President, I’m serious, it is an abstract concept to attack a compound and know people will be killed, it is another thing to set orders to kill one person in particular.

What next?

Time to get out of Afghanistan. I’m serious. Mission accomplished. We wanted to get Al Qaeda out of there and now they mostly are and the head guy and a lot of his command are dead or in Gitmo. Let’s get out with the promise and warning that if it becomes a haven for terrorist (drug dealers too, in my opinion) we will be back with bombs and Special Forces.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

WikiLeaks: A Defense of Secretary Clinton

So let me put this whole “WikiLeaks” storyline in cliff notes.

Established in 2006 they have become a clearing house for “top secret” information gathered by world governments. They believe in transparency no matter what the outcome.

PFC Bradley Manning, a 22 year old Army intelligence analyst, was arrested for leaking video and documents classified but for which he had access. The first released included an airstrike in Baghdad (2007) and other various Pentagon documents dated between 2004 & 2009.

Mr. Manning apparently was upset with the military over its (DADT) “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell” policy as he is gay and had been demoted from Specialist and was scheduled to be discharged when the theft occurred.

The latest set of documents indicate that Sec. of State Clinton “directs her envoys at the United Nations and embassies around the world to collect information ranging from basic biographical data on foreign diplomats to their frequent flyer and credit card numbers and even "biometric information on ranking North Korean diplomats." Typical biometric information can include fingerprints, signatures and iris recognition data.”

This directive, which came out in July of 2009 seems more like an “update” of current files then establishing new covert actions. Having just become Sec. of State, I am sure Mrs. Clinton wanted to establish that the information she and her department are working with was up to date and not old information left over from the Bush administration.

The fact that most of the information described could be found after a “Google” search doesn’t make it anymore of becoming an intelligence asset then what this document does on this subject.

It is possible that more information will come out that will that Mrs. Clinton ordered more than just this updating of files but until then we need to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Sources (,(

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The government is making marriage obsolete.

Yes, I'm blaming the government. For 45 years the government has been either intentionally or just as "unintended consequences" dismantling the family unit as part of the welfare state.

1960 - Birth control pill introduced helping women manage their reproductive years.
1965 - "Great Society" legislation makes the father less and less important to women and the need for financial security for poorer women comes more from the government.
1973 - Roe V Wade for those that can't or won't use birth control they simply end the child, I'm sorry the non-viable tissue matter.

As unwed mothers rise and the welfare state rewards those who are irresponsible there is no need for marriage. It is among the youth and the poor that this survey shows that pattern. Ironically, the only group who seems interesting in it are gay couples and for them it is just living a fantasy from their youth of being the bride.

Source (