Monday, October 18, 2010

China and the world oil supply

"The Washington Post reported that the US intelligence believed several Chinese companies and banks were involved in providing restricted technology to Iran, mostly for its missile programme." (

Why is China forming friendly relationships with Iran, Venezuela and Russia? There are others but these three can supply China with the oil it needs to grow its economy. Why supply Iran and Venezuela with nuclear power and potentially nuclear weapons? I believe that China believes if they (Iran and Venezuela) use more nuclear energy they will use less oil and therefore more available for China.

China is gambling that the potential development of weapons are minimal, that they can control these rogue countries or at worst they become the United States problem and China stays neutral. It has worked so far with N.Korea as their technology most likely came from China.

This game of the Chinese government "not knowing" that its business and banks are involved with technology transfers to Iran despite a UN embargo is just a lie and there is no reason why we should buy it.

Of course this leads to the whole problem China holds a lot of our debt and their currency is in a better position then ours so many in our government will be timid to deal with China the way we need to, after all China is still a parasite on our economy. Our trade deficit with China is about 1.75% of our GDP and they hold about 6.7% of our debt. (Total foreign debt is 25%) They can cause trouble but it is still better to deal with them now versus waiting until they are too big to hurt.

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