Freedom of religion is not the same as freedom to build. Some politicians see the “Right to bear arms” as not the same as the right to own a handgun, if they did, laws banning handguns in Chicago and Washington D.C. would have never passed in the first place. Even the President, last Friday, indicated he has some understanding of the difference when he said,” I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. “
One of the issues any organization must look into and decide is whether what they are bringing to a neighborhood is a good fit to that area. Bars near schools, strip clubs by churches are just among a few organizations that don’t fit. The question the backers of this Muslim center should have asked themselves, does this fit with the area or the history of the area? If they answer yes, they either are oblivious to appropriate behavior, of which they now have been schooled, or they want to be a thorn in the side of this community.
Our reaction tells them our state of mind. In one camp, they don’t see a problem with this center because theses specific people didn’t actually attack us. However, who are these people? The imam of the new mosque (Feisal Abdul Rauf) is a signer and supporter of the Perdana Global Peace Organization. That group helped develop the flotilla that is taking weapons to the Gaza Strip and attacked Israeli soldiers who boarded their ship to search for weapons.
Rauf also said in late September 2001, "I wouldn’t say that the United States deserved what happened. But the United States’ policies were an accessory to the crime that happened." I would like to point out it was not a crime, but an act of war. Al-Qaeda is defined by the D.O.D. as “A radical Sunni Muslim umbrella organization established to recruit young Muslims into the Afghani Mujahideen and is aimed to establish Islamist states throughout the world, overthrow ‘un-Islamic regimes’ expel US soldiers and Western influence from the Gulf, and capture Jerusalem as a Muslim city.”.
The other camp confirms the Muslim’s right to practice their religion but don’t necessarily have the right to build a mosque right there. That no major Muslim group has ever condemned the acts of terrorism by Al-Qaeda or support for the right of Israel to exist.
But the city of New York has approved the plans, plans that we don’t know where the money is coming from, but approved anyway. I just wonder which union guy will be the first to lay the foundation for the center or which vendor will bid for the steel or windows or any other part of the building.
The left often use their heart instead of their head to make decisions on what they support, in this case they magically support religion, the constitution and Zoning laws, to support a religion they laugh at in private (as they laugh at all religions) for what reason? If I would have to guess, I’d say they are more scared of Muslims, radical or not, then they are of the rest of us. They are scared because they know that despite everything we say, we follow the same rules of pleasant society that they do. Radical religious types don’t and might just start killing them like the descendent of Van Gough, the irony is that this show of weakness will only reinforce those radical behaviors they fear.
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