Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Raise the Min. Wage to $20.00 per hour

© WithComment.com

IA Dems want a Min. Wage increase "Iowashould raise the measly $5.15 per hour to $7.25. That step could help Iowa shed its reputation as a low-wage state."

I say why not raise it to $20.00 per hour. It is typical of the Democrats to offer help but not enough to actually help. The article justifies the $7.25/ hr because that then gives, "Someone working full-time for $7.25 per hour would earn an annual salary of $14,500 - just above the poverty level for a family of two.” But what if they are not part of a family of 2 or what if they have 4 kids. Then they are still way under the poverty level.

So why not just make it $20.00 per hour which would be above the median income in the U.S. (until of course it happens then the median income will go up and thus the dollar amount to be below the poverty level will increase and they will still be below poverty) The unfortunate 1.6 million who are making minimum wage are over half (53%) teenager, 26% are married heads or spouses and 11% are single family heads. Nearly two-thirds move off of min. wage with in a year! Source

It is a feel good issue, of the 6 states voting on an increase in the last election 3 sent new Democrat Senators and Ohio tossed in a new governor and house member too. What we need to do is just get the thing up and make it adjusted to inflation and be done with it. It is a silly idea and counter to the market, but if it will make it a non-issue in 2008 then all the better.

Chris Mendelsohn

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