Monday, June 7, 2010

Is reading this making you dumber?

“The Shallows” - Nicholas Carr

"Carr’s sighted that the internet works like a drug, it instantly gratifies someone, can be available universally. And like its narcotic counterparts. It short circuits our brain consciously and sub-consciously disabling our minds to think deeper, think creatively." (Source)

There is a satisfaction in thinking of something and looking it up immediately. But sometimes I do have trouble recalling something I read on the internet, but just because it takes less time to boil a subject on Wikipedia rather than read a Ph.D's need to write a 300 page book on a subject to justify the $25 price, I don't know that I learn anymore. Life has become a bunch of "Trivia Pursuit" facts but I don't know that it makes you dumber.

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