Many are concerned, including Steve Cobert, of the coming war with robots, but now we have "Artificial Life" to deal with. (BBC News)
"The researchers hope eventually to design bacterial cells that will produce medicines and fuels and even absorb greenhouse gases."
So this is being pushed by the green movement?
Who else is pushing a "green" movement? Churches!
There is legislation in the Senate to have the EPA create a "faith-based" program to help churches build green buildings and instruct its members on how to be green. Much like the Catholic churches helping illegal immigrants, some churches are active in greening the world because it helps those in poverty. ( and its response to the legislation as not going far enough! (
I believe that there are those who know that "social justice" is code for Marxism are in this movement and there are those that just know it "feels" right and don't understand the power behind the movement and money.
Freedom of choice is as much apart of religion and your willingness to have faith in G-d as you need air to breath. These programs are to play on man's greed for money and power in the church and to promote an idea that the poor will suffer more, and you will be farther away from G-d, if we don't all become green.
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