Friday, December 8, 2006

"Iraqi (Surrender) Study Group" review


The group lead by James “Velvet Hammer” Baker (called this for his political skills) is more velvet then hammers in the 21st Century. They say the key to flipping Syria to help us and away from Iran is to solve the Arab/Israeli conflict. No kidding? According the Hamas to have peace is their control of the Gaza strip and the West Bank. According to this study it would also mean addressing, “borders, settlements, Jerusalem, the right of return, and the end of the conflict.” Wow! I guess this same group wants us to give the southern U.S. to Mexico and the Mid-West back to France, Alaska to Russia and the East coast to England.

What this fails to take into account is that the Muslims in the Middle-East want to finish what Hitler started and kill all the Jews. Then they will continue with all the Christians after that. What are they thinking?

The failure of this administration is not in the objective, but in the execution of the war. For all my problems with F.D.R. and his social programs that we are still paying for today, he knew how to let his generals fight a war. Pres. Truman would have been almost incapable to drop “the bomb” on Japan with today’s pantywaists for advisors. The President Bush of today is only an echo of the man who stood on top of the ruins of the World Trade Center and declared, “I can you hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!” They’ve heard us and are unimpressed.

Getting medieval on these people is what they will understand and respect. “Unleash hell” as a quote from the movie “Gladiator” suggests is the way to defeat the enemy. Take all the fight out of them and make sure anyone else in the region knows exactly what they will get too. But at last Pres. Bush failed, Rumsfeld failed and the Iraqi Study Group failed.

Chris Mendelsohn

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