Friday, October 31, 2008

Paying for the future

Both John McCain and Barack Obama voted for the 700B “rescue” package that now will mostly be used to support banks and get liquidity into the markets. This solution which many are saying we followed the British on was actually talked about on day one of this crisis. People like Jim Cramer (CNBC’s “Mad Money”) had it right since August 2007!

So what have we done? What have we allowed our representatives to do? We have mortgaged our children and doomed those of us who make some money to higher tax rates. It will be impossible to “grow” our way out of this without true cuts in the governments spending. I am not just talking about the Federal government, but every state and every county and city. They all must learn to stop growing government and their source of power. There will be no more money to squeeze out of the citizens other then the Federal government getting the Fed to print cash.

As I asked over a week ago, I ask again. When will we pull out of this “Financial Surge” into the banking and Wall St. markets? What Senator Obama said about the war in Iraq can also be said of this “bailout/rescue” package, "…require a U.S. occupation (of the market) of undetermined length, at undermined cost, with undetermined consequences." His belief has been to not enter a war without an exit strategy. This belief works here too.

I recommend a freeze in all government budgets for 2 years and begin means testing of every line item, cutting or eliminating unnecessary spending. The true nature of government is to create an environment that promotes our “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” and any thing else is outside the scope of government.

© 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Speak nothing

If Senator Obama wins in November it will because he followed the advice of Pres. Lincoln who said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” The Senator has followed this well. He has said very little about what is needed to help the financial markets and only comments on what others are or are not doing. Sen. McCain stepped in to it with his comment, “The fundamentals of the economy are strong.” And Obama decided to say nothing.

This charismatic man tells us what is wrong with the past like some Monday morning QB, but his future plans sound more like newspeak from some Orwellian alternate universe. “…we can take care of one another and build strong communities grounded in faith and family; that repairing the world is a task that each of us takes up every day. That is how we are going to meet the challenges we face." It sounds great but what does he want to do for us to become this community.

Senator Obama is looking smart without saying a thing, which makes me both frustrated and envious.

© 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

The McCain 29 day plan

I have put together some simple but much needed ideas for the McCain campaign to focus on for the next five weeks. I have sent this to the McCain campaign and I hope they take them up.

My inspiration was the 1994 “Contract with America”. Simple ideas everyone can understand. The problem with the current wall street/main street situation is that it is very complicated and most people, including half the people talking on TV, don’t have a good understanding of the problem or the solution.

I suggest 3 to 5 main ideas of reform, prosperity and peace that the McCain campaign needs to push. Push it in to campaigns, one lead by the Senator, and the other by the more conservative Governor. Allow her to run a shadow presidential campaign that allows her to be her and not feel constrained. In the last few interviews she looks like she is answering like someone else wants her to answer instead of herself.

Hammer only the ideas you decide on and don’t loose that focus of one month!
Some Ideas:

Investment regulations and stronger oversight.
Mortgage industry reform through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Freeze Budget for 2 years (exception for natural or national disasters)
Means testing for all budget items
8 year plan to reduce imported oil
8 year plan to rebuild the U.S. infrastructure

Commitment to Iraq drawdown
Not a time frame but based on the battlefield.

© 2008