Monday, October 25, 2010

Boswell vs. Zaun Iowa Dist. 3


Neither candidate did anything to hurt themselves, however, no one did anything to help themselves either and that is bad news for Brad Zaun. He is 28 years younger than the Congressman and should have shown a lot more energy and be able to respond more quickly to things like, when Boswell said he was not worried about challengers, I would have said "because you have taken the Independent and Democrat support for granted and don't even try any more."

Most of Boswell's responses were typical main line Democrat. There was absolutely nothing that he said that Barney Frank or Pelosi would disagree with. Brad was very vanilla too, maybe an attempt to win some moderate votes. His one point he did bring home was Boswell's promise to 3 terms and a need for change in D.C. Boswell's response was to tell us he and his seniority is the thin red line between Iowans and congressman from other states that would control everything. Of course those are Democrats so there wouldn't be any difference.

They did agree that we need more boarder security, with no details, and employers need to be held more responsible for hiring illegal immigrants.

I will update as I review my notes.

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